Develop Common Ground Autism Remediation

Family-Based You love and understand your child more than anyone else. In this program you will be given the tools you need to help your child grow and thrive.
Growing Minds We help kids with Autism Spectrum Disorders gain flexible thinking skills. Children grow more adaptable, allowing them to have a better quality of life.


    My vision at Develop Common Ground is for:

    • Parent and child to develop a close bond
    • Kids to love interacting with others
    • Families to enjoy a balanced lifestyle
    • Children to reach their full potential


Family-based services include evaluation, in-home consultation and on-line video support customized to fit your lifestyle.

What is remediation? Our approach is to remediate the core deficits of autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders. “Remediation implies…a systematic process of correcting deficits to the point where they no longer constitute obstacles to reaching one’s potential and attaining a quality of life.” –Steve Gutstein, Ph. D


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